La finalidad de este blog es la de recopilar material para aquellos usuarios de Galaxy Note menos expertos.

Instalacion con la nueva interface KingDroid


Es muy muy peligroso que se realicen wipe data / Factory con otro kernel que no sea el Abyss y de la misma forma esta contra indicado realizar restauracion de fabrica o formateo de las memorias desde el menu de copia y restauracion o desde almacenamiento respectivamente por que podrian corromper sectores de la memoria.

viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Samsung ya esta trabajando en la solucion para el BRICK

We've contacted Samsung about the problem where performing a mmc erase could hardbrick your phone (i9100, i9100g, n7000, m250 - MAG4FA, VYL00M, and KYL00M with firmware revision 0x19 // T989 and I727 with fw rev 0x12) if it's having a faulty emmc chip.

They're working as hard as possible on a clean solution which will be ready soon.

Please be patient and try to not flash any leaked kernels or kernels based on sources where MMC_CAP_ERASE is present.

This app can be used to identify if your phone is affected or not.

CM9 kernels are safe to flash.

Please share!

Update 14:56 CEST:
Patches will be out in form of new official ROMs and also sourcecode releases after testing, which might take some time.

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